I shot the Red Bull Drinkmasters competition at Maynards in Margate last night. It was really a fund raiser for a new surf movie Dark Fall. It was good to see a lot of old friends and spend a summer night in Margate.
The magazine I publish on the side is featured on nj.com's blog. http://www.nj.com/shore/blogs/surfing/index.ssf/2009/07/new_jerseys_garden_state_surf.html
After being back for a few months now, some of the photos from the trip are starting to get used. Here's a few so far:
My buddy Jon Coen used a few photos from our trip in his blog on ESPN.com. http://espn.go.com/action/surfing/blog?post=4199560
And Brendan Petticrew wrote up a little something and sent it to filmer Jerry Riccardo and they posted something about it too. http://superspectacularadventures.com/?p=88300787
Surfer, photographer, traveler, publisher. I feel like I always need something to do or else I'd go crazy. I'm a graphic designer and photographer during the day. Ex surf magazine publisher and current freelance photographer. I've been fortunate enough to travel to a ton of cool places to shoot surfing over the past few years, but now I shoot everything from corporate events, to desktop studio photography, to professional sports to weddings.